Italy is a democratic republic with a multi-party system. The popular monarch was abolished in 1946. Following this, a constituent assembly was elected to draft a constitution that was promulgated in 1948. Italy has a president who is appointed by parliament in a joint session. According to Italy’s constitution, any citizen who is fifty can be elected as president. In turn, the president appoints the prime minister, who is the president of the council. He also directs the prime minister to appoint ministers that will form his/her government’s cabinet. Many of the president’s duties are what was previously performed by the King of Italy.
The President of Italy is elected for a term of seven years, with an option to run for a second term. This prevents a president from being re-elected by the same parliament, which is elected after every five years. While the constitution allows presidents to run for a second term, it is only one president who vied for re-election in 2006, resigning in 2015 before his term would end. Former presidents of the republic are appointed Senator for life.
The Italian Parliament is divided into two: the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The Senate is in a building called Palazzo Madama located in Rome. Construction on this building was completed in 1505. Named after Madama Margherita of Austria, this building has been home to Italy’s Senate since 1871. The Chamber of Deputies is located in Rome, in a building that is known as Palazzo Montecitorio.
Major political parties in Italy include the Democratic Party, the Five Star Movement, Forward Italy, and the Democratic and Progressive Movement.
This page was last modified on May 1st, 2018
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