The state of Israel has Parliamentary democracy system of government, where the Prime Minister and members of the House of Representatives are directly elected by the people. Also known as the Knesset in Israel, the House of Representatives sits in Jerusalem and is composed of 120 members. The Knesset elects a ceremonial president by secret ballot. On the other hand, the prime minister is the head of the executive arm of government and is also elected directly by the electorate; the prime minister then constitutes a cabinet by nominating his team then presents the names to the Knesset for approval. Finally, the Judiciary structure is composed of The Supreme Court at the top, then High court and Ordinary Courts at the base together with Special Courts.
In Israel, the president is elected by the Knesset for a seven-year term by secret ballot; however, each president is restricted to only one term of office. For instance, the current president was elected on June 10, 2014, will serve until 2021. As opposed to how the Knesset elects the president; the electorate directly votes in members of the House of Representatives by proportional representation since Israel is a single nationwide constituency, and this happens after every four years the last one having been in 2015. For one to qualify as a voter in the State of Israel, they must be 18 years for national elections or 17 years in local elections.
The Israel Parliament building is located in Givat Ram in western Jerusalem neighborhood since August 30, 1966. The design came from architect Joseph Klarwein who was the winner of the national contest that was held in 1957. In Rehavnia, which is a Jerusalem's neighborhood situated between the city center and Talbiya, lie Beit Aghion the Prime Minister's official residence. The Jerusalem-stone decorated house was built from 1936 to 1938 for the Jewish-Greek merchant Edward Aghion; the government later purchased it in 1952 as the residence for the Foreign Minister but eventually turned it into the Prime Minister's residence.
Israel is a multiparty democracy with almost twenty active political parties to date. Although Likud is the most dominant party with about 23 percent representation, there are a handful of other political parties numbering to five having almost 52 percent, and the rest of the other smaller parties accounting for the difference. Likud-National Liberal Party was founded in 1973 by Ariel Sharon and other center-right and right-wing leaning leaders. The party's significant milestone was the overwhelming victory in 1977 elections when it ousted for the first time the left-wing party that had ruled since the creation of the State of Israel. Zionist Camp comes in as the second most popular party in Israel; it was formed recently, on December 10, 2010, by Avi Gabbay, with a center-left leaning that was to challenge the Netanyahu-led right-wing policies.
This page was last modified on May 1st, 2018
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