The Republic of Iceland is a constitutional Republic, having adopted its constitution in 1944. The government is made up of an executive wing, a legislature, and a judiciary system. Iceland has the longest-serving parliament - it has existed since 930. The parliament is housed in the Alþingishúsið which is located in Reykjavík. The country elects its president and members of parliament every four years. The president has no limit on the number of times they can run.
The president, parliament, and local councils are voted in every four years, although the elections are not conducted at the same time. The president has an unlimited number of times they can run.Citizen voter eligibility for this country has been set at 18 years and above. The Althingi members are elected from constituencies through proportional representation. There are several political parties in Iceland with the Independence Party being the greatest by the 1970’s. The second most prominent party is the progressive party of 1916 with the Social Democratic Party as a competitor. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir became the country’s first female president in 1980.
Iceland’s parliament, referred to as the Althingi, was formed in 930 and is housed by parliamentary buildings referred to as the Alþingishúsið. The building dates to the 19th century, designed by a Danish architect by the name of Ferdinand Meldahl. It is located in Reykjavík. The building of the structure started in 1880 and ended in 1881. The building has housed a library antiquaries collections, a national gallery, and even presidential offices. Through an article of the constitution, the president is required to strictly stay in or close to Reykjavík. All the presidents have stayed in Bessastaðir which is in Garðabær.
Iceland is home to a number of political parties. These include the Independence Party, the Left-Green Movement, the Progressive Party, and the Social Democratic Alliance, among others.
This page was last modified on May 1st, 2018
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