The Republic of Estonia is a parliamentary republic with the prime minister as the head of the government. The Constitution of Estonia considers the president as the head of the state but with no executive powers. However, the president does appoint the prime minister to lead the government. The representative parliamentary system has three arms, which include the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary.
Under the parliamentary Election Act of July 11, 1994, an Estonian citizen aged 18 years on election day is eligible to vote while an Estonian citizen who is 21 years on election day may run as a candidate. However, for a person to be nominated as a candidate for the presidency, they have to be at least 40 years of age and be a citizen of Estonia.
The Stenbock House has been the seat of the government of the Republic of Estonia, and it is where the prime minister and government conduct sessions. Stenbock House is on Toompea hill in the capital city, Tallinn. It has been the official Government Office since 2000. The Stenbock House has changed owners and functions in the past. Nonetheless, the name has never changed. Johann Caspahr Mohr, an architect, designed the building. The Stenbock House was completed in 1792, in a strict classical architecture with a balcony and six doric columns. The official residence of the president is in the suburb of Nomme.
Major political parties in Estonia include the Estonian Reform Party, the Estonia Centre Party, and the Union of Pro patria and Res Republica.
This page was last modified on May 1st, 2018
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